Happy 16th Birthday, Natalie

You've always been a friend- someone to lie awake talking and giggling with at night. Someone to run outside in the rain with, someone who understands when I talk "fandom talk".

You're the person who will curl up with me and watch Road to Avonlea after everyone else has gone to sleep; the one who will sneak into my bed and scare me when I walk into my room in the dark to get into bed.

You're the one who understands me in all my moods, enough to laugh at  me when I'm angry. Which, by the way, is not the best move. ;)

You were the first one to wish me a Happy New Year 2015 when you graciously stayed up so I could babysit.
We've always been best friends and kindred spirits! And I hope it stays that way forever.
Happy 16th birthday, Natalie! I'm so grateful to God for making you my sister. <3
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