Guest Post with Susan!

Hello! My friend, Susan, and I  are swapping guest posts today. I hope you enjoy!
Hey, my name is Susan. My blog is I am not here to talk about my blog, or how awesome I am. 

I am here to talk about how the Lord has been with me through thick and thin. The Lord blesses me with family, friends, the gift of art, a crafty skill, but most importantly, he answers my prayers. Even the small things. 
Answers to prayer seem more constant, however, since I started to read a fine book, which takes place in the 1920’s called Modern Miracles Through Prayer and Faith  by G.C. Bevington. In the Children's Chapter, G.C. Bevington,  journeys through Ohio, helping children in need of faith. Before I read the book, I didn't know what faith meant. I thought I knew what it meant, but really, I was looking out the wrong window. One of the chapters was about a little girl who was accused of stealing by her friend; this accusation was from Satan.
G.C. Bevington helped them to pray for God to show the boy where the stolen item really was.  The family was hitting around the nail when praying, but not actually hitting ‘The’ nail.  At school the next day, Brother Bevington prayed. Like I said, the devil can and will try to twist your mind, but Bevington said "No satan! God, I know you are working right now!" The prayer was not a "please do." It was "You are." 
I've started to to change the way I pray to be more like that. It worked! Big answers to small prayers. I was relieved! I was seeing God from a new window! I didn’t see an empty throne with voicemails coming and no answer.  I saw an answer before I even called.  Just reading about the little children of the early 1920’s and 30’s really makes me happy, especially when it has to do with the Lord. 
Another story was about a little girl who lived in an unreached place. She was an orphan named Ol’ Pete. She was a poor girl who asked for tobacco. Apparently, she smoked tobacco?! She was lame, and had the legs of an eight month-old baby. G.C. Bevington went and adopted the unloved, filthy girl, who had never bathed. He asked, “When was the last time you bathed?” She answered, “What is bathed?” I could tell you more about her, but I do want to tell you that he prayed for her, and she did start to believe and eventually became a missionary.  Prayer is important. 
I pray daily, not as an empty box on a to-do list, but as a “need to-do” when in need. But prayer isn't only for a desperate time, but also as a thank you note to the Lord. 
It is important to ask God for help, but it is even more important to praise him for all of His blessings.
Here are some examples:

“Oh No! I got fired from my job! I have to pray!” Or in my case, “Oh No! I got a F on that math test! I have to pray!” 

Here are some things you might thank the Lord for:

“Oh my goodness! I can’t believe it! I won first place in the race!” or “Oh wow, I am going to see my mom in Hawaii!” You get the idea, thank the Lord. That’s basically all, but the scenario was, “Dear Lord, I know you are preparing my mind for that test at school tomorrow. Amen!”
The book changed the way I prayed, as well as the way I felt in a bad situation, and the way I thought about non-christians. (I felt horrible whenever I met a non-christian, I felt helpless. But now I truly know how to pray! I can be a help.) Amen! 
With love,