Best Blogging Buddies Award

'ello everyone! I was nominated by my epic friend, Elisabeth, for the Best Blogging Buddies Award. Elisabeth's birthday is today, so be sure to pop on over to her lovely blog, Reflections of the Heart, and wish her a happy birthday with a follow, if you haven't already.:)
Here are the rules:
☼You must make a post to show your award on your main blog.
☼You must tag the person who nominated you in your post (also take the cute owl on the right with you!).
☼You must nominate all of your best buddies, and those whom you want to become best buddies with, who, to your knowledge, have not been nominated for this award.
☼You must ask your buddies at least 15 questions in your post.
☼You must answer all of the questions your buddies ask you on your post.
Here are Elisabeth's questions for me.
Favorite band? Probably Celtic Thunder.:) Here's one of my favorite of their songs, by the way! Unfortunately, the full song isn't on YouTube. :P

Glasses or no glasses? If that means do I have glasses or not, then no.
Do you prefer reading, writing, or spelling bees? Reading!
Would you rather live in an Igloo for a year or live in an Egyptian pyramid? Umm...I hate being cold, but a pyramid is just too creepy, so I guess the Igloo.
Can you lick your nose? (I decided to post this one in honor of my sister). Nope!
Did you try to lick your nose after you read the former question? No comment. :)
How many pets have you had in your lifetime? Not counting the chickens we used to have, 10. Currently, we have six. Three dogs and three cats.
I had to stick in a picture of our two beautiful Golden Retrievers, Dallas (left) and Tessa.

What would you do if your parents were gone and all of a sudden your little sister gets her nose pinched in the door and breaks her glasses? (If you don't have a sister younger than 6, it's fictional; by the way, those didn't have insurance)

Well, that's certainly not a situation I've ever had to worry about. I guess I would make sure my sister was ok, and then either call my parents, or maybe wait for them to get home to figure out what to do about the glasses.
I'm tagging
there are several more wonderful bloggers I want to tag, but I'm afraid the list is already getting too long. If you're one of my blogging buddies and you aren't listed, feel free to participate!
Here are my questions for you.
What was the first thing you said after you got up this morning?
What month is your birthday in?
What sounds are you hearing right now? (example: I'm half-watching Road to Avonlea with the sounds of workers cutting down a tree near our house in the background.)
What color are you wearing?
Is there anything you're feeling excited about right now?
What blog (besides this one) did you read last?
What did you eat for your last meal?
Look me in the eye and tell me you don't want to be a doctor.
whoops! Avonlea dialogue just seeped into this post. Sorry!
How long have you been blogging?
If you could be doing anything right now, what would you be doing?
I'm supposed to ask you at least 15 questions,  but if you don't mind, I'm going to stop at 9. It just felt like the post was long enough already. :)
Hope you enjoyed! I would love to see all of your answers. :)
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