Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

Hi everyone! Wow, I've been posting a lot lately...
Anyway, I just got nominated by my awesome friend Anna at Country Family Fun for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Thanks so much, Anna!
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site. 
  • Put the award logo on your blog. 
  • Answer the ten questions they’ve set you. 
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer. 
  • Nominate ten people. 
  • *Added by me-alert the nominees*
Here are Anna's questions:
1.) What is your favorite thing to blog on? Orphan care. Easily. While I don't post as often on this as I would like, it definitely is the most rewarding thing to post.
2.) Do you play an instrument? Yes. I started taking piano when I was 7 and took up until last year.
3.) What has God taught you in the past year? To "bite my tongue" as my mom puts it. I am a complainer for sure! I am working on this bit by bit. I don't think I've made much progress, though. I also have too much of a tendency to snap at family members, especially my younger brothers. He has also truly opened my eyes to the needs of the orphan through Kya's story.
4.) Favorite fandoms? I am in the Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit, Narnia, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, and BBC Merlin fandoms.
5.) Which fictional character do you think you can most relate to or are like? Hmm....perhaps Lucy Pevensie from Narnia. Or Clara Oswald from Doctor Who. *season 7, as I have not seen season 8 and have heard things about people not liking her in it.*
6.) What blog do you consistently read the most? Please share it. :) I'm not sure which I read the most, but I read consistently and really enjoy Teens Interceding for Orphans, Reflections of the Heart, and Taking Time to Stop and Find the Rosies.
7.) If you could travel anywhere you wanted to, where would you like to go especially? I would love to go to China on a missions trip. Other than that, I would really enjoy visiting Scotland or Switzerland.
8.) What are you most excited for in 2015? I'm not allowed to say yet. *sigh*
9.) What do you want to name your future children when you grow up? Well, obviously this depends on how many children I have. But for girls, I love Emily, Regina,  Adelaide, and ok, honestly right now all the names I love are fleeing from my memory. For boys, I love Brogan, Joel,  Wilder, and again, many more! I tend to like the less common names. :)
10.) How old were you when you became a Christian? I think I was about 4 years old.

As I lamented to Anna, she took several of the people I would normally nominate. But here are a few for you!
Allie Snyder  at Taking Time to Stop and Find the Rosies
Allie at Liberty's Girl and The Diary of an 1800s Girl
Tabby at The Goat Chick
Natalie (my sister) at A Saved Girl's Writings
Emma at Rescue the Orphaned

Here are my questions for you.

1.) What is your idea of what you would like to do someday?
2.) What is something you do on a weekly basis? (example, help with Awana on Tuesdays, etc.)
3.) Are you reading a book or series right now? If so, which one?
4.) Are you in any fandoms? Which ones?
5.) What are your hobbies?
6.) Favorite subject in school?
7.) Favorite music?
8.) Peanut butter or cheese?
9. What are your top 3 favorite blogs?
10.) What is your favorite book in the Bible?

I would appreciate it if you would send me the link to your post when you're done. I would love to see your answers!
I understand if you're too busy to do this or would rather not put it on your blog, but I hope you do. :)