Wednesday and Caption It!

Yesterday was such a fun day! I got to spend time hanging out with some of my favorite kids, Susan from Liberty's Girl and her brother and sisters. The day involved running outside in the sun playing with giant bubble wands, Road to Avonlea, hot chocolate, more running outside and playing tag, cuddling with the cutest two year old, and just talking and hanging out. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures. :(
I am now stealing an idea from my mom and my friend, Tabby. I'm doing a caption it for my little nephew's birthday (he's turning 2 years old today). My mom took these pictures and posted them on Facebook asking for captions, and I figured I might as well do the same. Borrowing Tabby's idea, my favorite captions get put on the pictures. So caption away! ;)
Isn't he the cutest??
 {Update: and the winner for the top picture is Morning with her caption of, "For Narnia! And for Aslan!" Unfortunately, we only got one caption for the second picture, so we don't have a winner.}
I'm sorry this post is so short! I'm hoping to post The Liebster Award soon and I'm also trying to plan a giveaway, so that's my focus right now. I'm hoping to pick up the pace soon! :)
Also, would anyone here be interested in both reading and participating in a Guest Post Week if I were to host one? If you would comment your thoughts below, I would really appreciate it.
Hope you're all having a lovely week!
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