Christmas Eve 2014

Hello everyone! How was your Christmas? :)
I'm going to go ahead and post our Christmas pics in probably four parts-Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Christmas with my sister Brandi and her family, and then on or after Sunday, pics with my brother-in-law and his kids. But first, I'm going to post a couple of pics of Kenny and Kyla (my niece and nephew) opening their gifts from me. I decided to give them theirs early.

Kendrick opening his gifts. (A Captain America night light for his room and a toy ninja.)

Kyla opening her gift.
Kyla loved her new doll, which she named Rosie.

Now for our Christmas Eve pictures!

Reading the Christmas story.

Dad loved his new books!
+Timothy Taft  opening his present from me. I had fun being able to really get gifts for everyone this year-thank you, babysitting! :)

Mom played Santa and passed out the gifts.

Noah`s gift to Dad.
Noah and Levi opening their presents from Natalie.

These next few pictures are for you, +Elisabeth Sullivan! Noah loved his new hat-look at that excitement on his face!
 Hope Eternal Enterprises

He put his hat on right away!

...and ran up and gave me a big hug!

Me with Tim's gift.

The eraser I got from Natalie-I told her I will probably end up using up the whole thing in one algebra lesson!

Tim got an eraser, too.

The boys with their Bibles they got from Dad and Mom. I want one! ;)

More gifts...and aren't these two adorable?!

N and I opening one of our shared gifts.

Levi got an awesome nerf gun and bullets!

The Seahawks earrings I got from my grandparents.

Our grandparents sent Natalie a signed CD by the Piano Guys!

I got an AWESOME (and huge) Doctor Who Pandorica's  Box mug. I love it. :)

Natalie loved her TARDIS mug! Isn't it awesome?

I was so happy to finally get The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books!

There you have it-Christmas Eve! I probably bored you to death, but at least I got the pics up. Later that day we went to the Christmas Eve service at church, went to look at Christmas lights and drop by our last house, and then came home and drank hot cocoa and apple cider while watching a Christmas movie.
What did you do for Christmas? Did you get some nice things? Comment below! I'd love to hear about it. :)